Top 10 historical sites for tourists in Lebanon.

Tourists should visit the following top 10 historical sites of  Lebanon.   1. Beirut: 2. Byblos: 3. Baalbek: 4. Jeita Grotto: 5. Sidon: 6. Tyre: 7. Cedars of God: 8. Beiteddine Palace: 9. Harissa: 10. Qadisha Valley:   1. Beirut Lebanon: Beirut, the vibrant capital city of Lebanon, is a captivating blend of rich history, … Read more

Recommended weekend getaway destinations in Australia.

Recommended weekend getaway destinations in Australia, have been mentioned in this article. Australia offers a wide range of weekend getaway destinations, catering to various interests and preferences. Here are some regions of Australia. 1. New South Wales: 2. Victoria: 3. Queensland: 4. South Australia: 5. Western Australia: 6. Tasmania: 7 Northern Territory: The recommended weekend … Read more

How to make weekend days good in the USA?

How to make weekend days good in the USA? Making your weekend days enjoyable and fulfilling can enhance your well-being and help you recharge for the week ahead. Here are some tips on how to make your weekends more enjoyable in the USA: Plan Ahead: Consider planning some activities or outings for your weekend in … Read more

How can beginners learn about the stock market?

  How beginners can learn about the stock market If you are new to the world of stocks, it can be hard to understand the basics. Many resources can help you get started. Definition of the stock market. A stock market is a place for investors to buy and sell shares. The stock market can … Read more

How do freckles appear, and what are they?

How do freckles appear, and what are they? What are freckles? These spots are small, flat, and pigmented spots that appear on the skin, typically as a result of sun exposure. They are composed of clusters of melanin, the pigment responsible for the color of our skin, hair, and eyes. They are most commonly found … Read more

How to control anger?

How to control anger? What is anger? Anger is a natural and normal emotion experienced by humans in response to various situations and stimuli. It is characterized by feelings of displeasure, frustration, irritation, or hostility. Anger can manifest both physically and emotionally and may vary in intensity from mild annoyance to intense rage. Here are … Read more

How to control anxiety?

How to control anxiety? What is anxiety? Anxiety is a natural and adaptive human response to stress or perceived threats. It’s a feeling of uneasiness, apprehension, or fear in anticipation of a future event or situation. While some level of anxiety is normal and can even be beneficial in certain situations, such as helping you … Read more


OW TO CONTROL DIARRHEA CAUSES AND ITS REMEDIES? What is diarrhea? Diarrhea is a common medical condition characterized by the frequent passage of loose, watery, or unformed stools. It occurs when the digestive system is unable to properly absorb water or when it secretes excess fluids into the intestines, leading to an increase in the … Read more

How to fix your sleep schedule?

What is the purpose of sleep?                   How to fix your sleep schedule? Sleep is a state of rest, and this article explains how to adjust your sleep schedule. Most of the muscles that animals and humans can control are not active during deep sleep, but they … Read more

How to understand Graphic Design?

 Definition. How to understand graphic design is our topic today. A profession of cognitive self-control, as well as an applied art that involves predicting visual communication to convey particular messages to social groups with specific goals, is graphic design. Graphic design is a branch of design. It usually uses text and graphics to communicate in … Read more